Saturday, January 30, 2016

What does Jesus' friendship with Peter teach us?

Can you imagine having Jesus as a friend?

Him knowing everything about you?
Your future?

Your past? 

Your thoughts?

Could heal you or anyone else?

Well the disciples know everything about it.

“14) You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15) No longer do I call your servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.”
John 15:14-15

In Luke 6:12, it says he prayed all night before going to choose his friends. Even though Jesus could basically do anything and was known to be “King of the Jews,” he still found some of his best friendships in fishermen.

Peter was enthusiastic, strong-willed, impulsive and, at times, brash. But for all his strengths, Peter had several failings in his life. Still, the Lord who chose him continued to mold him into exactly who He intended Peter to be. Peter was one of the ones given the special task of preparing the final Passover meal. He was also the first to confess that Jesus  is the Christ and Son of the living God. Jesus’friendship with Peter probably kept Jesus smiling. He knew what was ahead forHis friend. So when Peter denied, Jesus prayed. When Peter failed, Jesusforgave. And when Jesus suffered, Peter followed…

Jesus’ friendship with Peter taught us that he lived by his greatest commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Through all of Peter’s ups and downs, Jesus remained his loving Lord and faithful guide.
 To me, Peter had the most interesting relationship with Jesus. First of all, how would you take it if one of your friends just totally renamed you AND made you an apostle?? Peter’s original name was Simon. Jesus changed it to Peter… and Peter never left his side. “Simon, whom he named Peter…” [Luke 6:13] And Peter was very protective of Jesus. Every time Jesus told the disciples that he would be departing soon, Peter was always very defensive. When the guards came to arrest Jesus, Peter cut off one of their ears.

Jesus helped Peter overcome fear when he stepped off the boat to walk on water. And Jesus loved him enough not to let him drown. Jesus forgives unfaithfulness.  EVEN THOUGH Jesus knew Peter would deny even knowing him 3 times before his death. Jesus even caught Peter denying him the third time “and he went out and wept bitterly.’